The First 6 Weeks

Transitioning to a research university can be one of the biggest challenges a student has ever dealt with. Here is what to expect in the first 6 weeks:

  • Students will be adjusting to a new environment
  • Making new friends
  • Adjusting to college-level coursework
  • Finding their place on campus through involvement with clubs, organizations, and jobs
  • It takes time to adjust to a college schedule, expect that your student may not have time to communicate as frequently as before
  • Roommate issues are very common; tell your student to communicate immediately with their residential staff as issues arise
  • Completing a roommate agreement is the first significant step to learning to live with someone else

To assist them in this time of change, you may want to:

  • Encourage them to speak with their college residential staff
  • Encourage them to attend tutoring sessions starting the first week; tutoring is for everyone!
  • Tell them to join a club, student organization, or student  government to get involved in their community
  • Set up a communication plan with your student–when and how are you going to connect?
  • Tell your student to study 10 hours of work a week per class

The quarter system goes by very fast and students will be busy, so time management is important.

When to visit

If you are thinking of visiting them, consider that during the first 6 weeks, students are expected to be on campus (attending mandatory programs, adjusting to college work, attending class, etc.). During the fall quarter, we hold Family Weekend, an opportunity for you to revisit your student and explore campus. During the winter quarter, some colleges may also hold Family Days. Visit the Family Days page to get more information..