Advice from UCSC Families
- “Be there to listen to your student, but don’t intrude too much”- Jon, family member of third year Cowell student
- “I’d encourage people to visit the campus earlier [than move-in] because it’s such a huge campus. Things are really spread out so I think just getting that adjustment can be really eye opening for the student, as well as the family.” - Joan and David, family members of fourth year Oakes student
- “Be sure to check everything online, talk to as many people as you can, see if you can find any parents whose children have gone here prior; try to get as much information as you can.” - Polly, family member of fourth year Rachel Carson student
- “Stress for the students to check the website and their email to see what they need to bring and what they don’t need to bring.” - Terry, family member of second year Porter student
- “Tell your student to learn about the campus before classes begin. A lot of parents try to make a lot of decisions for their students... they’re adults, let them figure it out.” - Janie, family member of second year Porter student
- “Make sure you understand the three main parts of having a child in college. One is the financial aid situation, two is residency questions and status, and three is how much money it’s going to take to get your child through the first year. Those are the three biggies.” - Joseph, family member of second year Cowell student
- “Review the family orientation information online!” - Victor, family member of second year Stevenson student
- “Find out as much as you can, read the resources.” - Kelly, family member of second year Cowell student
- “Relax! This University takes care of the students.” - Amy, family member of fourth year Crown student
- “Read as much as you can off of the website.” - Erin, family member of second year Crown student
- “Don’t hover. Let them make their mistakes.” - Michelle